A'Taka is an animated action-mystery movie, inspired by Akira Kurosawa's films such as The Seven Samurai (1954), as well as the great whodunits of the past like Murder on the Orient Express (1974). Set in a fantasy world, the film follows young warrior-in-training Kuro as he makes the transformation into an A'TAKA KNIGHT; the most powerful group of warriors in the world.

Jackson (or Jack) Buckley is a 20-year-old filmmaker based out of Charlottesville, Virginia. In 2019, he released his first 89-minute animated feature film, an action comedy called Remnants, and has been making films for over 10 years.
Since the release of his first film, he has been working on his second movie, A’Taka.
Cameron Tyndall is an award-winning film composer who has been scoring movies for over 5 years. Starting with Jack’s first film Remnants, Cameron has developed into an incredible composer, creating music that’s a highlight in any project he’s involved in. Below are a few samples of his work so far on A’Taka:

Claudia Ring • Lembo Family • Clint & Debbie McDonald • Gincy Carrington Plummer • GigaWarrior3 • The Kellan Group Inc Carlos & Kathy Burns • Anah Wagner • Hunter Layne • Nicholas McCamish • Ian Hubble • Tricia Powell • Caleb Gritsko • JaneA Kelley • The Biglers • The Tafts • Drs. Hakan and Alicia Dagli • Tonya Gossage

A'Taka recently stepped into full animation production following voice recording in early 2024. Following the animation process, we hope to have the film completed by the start of 2026, with release later that year.
This will take extreme dedication from both me and my incredible team of artists-- from environment modelers to animators to painters-- but in the end we will create a film we're hopefully all very proud of. To follow our journey, subscribe to our YouTube channel, linked below.